
Based in Turin, Italy

Release Dates:
Steam - 15th March, 2018
Nintendo Switch - 7th September, 2018

Nintendo Switch


Regular Price:



GOLF FOR INEFFICIENT BADASSES! Why hit a ball with a metal stick, when you can stick MINES to your ball?

Super Inefficient Golf improves upon the most inefficient game ever conceived, by making it even LESS efficient. Master the art of carefully placing your mines, detonating them with expert timing, and BOOM - Birdie!

The game is divided into two phases: setup your golf ball with mines, then blast it into space (or better, into the hole) by detonating them! You have full control on which mines explode and when, which gives you complete power over your rocket ball trajectory. Golf clubs will feel so basic after this!


SIG has been entirely produced in one month, concept to polish. The team wanted to stress-test the internal production pipeline and set this extremely ambitious goal of having a market-ready product in just 30 days. Originally a "snowball avalanche" game concept, Super Inefficient Golf was born out of appreciation for silly gameplay and less efficient means. One of the founders was flabbergasted when, coming back from his honeymoon, he found a semi-completed game that did not exist at all, nor was planned, when he left.


  • 18 challenging holes - increasing difficulty, no tutorial. Are you tough enough?
  • Slowmo and acrobatic aerial turns - total control, albeit very inefficient!
  • Unbelievable views - enter a chill, relaxed environment in which your swearing will echo for miles around.
  • Online Leaderboards - Join the global challenge.
  • Explosions! - Exploding mines, exploding barrels, exploding explosions all around!
  • Game up! - Bernard Suits would be super happy of our lusory attitude.


Steam Launch Trailer YouTube


download all screenshots & photos as .zip (35MB)


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34BigThings allows for the contents of Super Inefficient Golf to be published through video broadcasting services for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Monetization of videos created containing assets from Super Inefficient Golf is legally & explicitly allowed by 34BigThings. This permission can be found in writing at https://34bigthings.com/press/sheet.php?p=super_inefficient_golf.

Valerio Di Donato on Twitter
Personal Twitter for Valerio Di Donato (@drowne) available at twitter.com.

Giuseppe Enrico Franchi on Twitter
Personal Twitter for Giuseppe Enrico Franchi (@GEFranchi) available at twitter.com.

About 34BigThings

Established in 2013, with a growing team of over 80 talented people, 34BigThings is a developer for premium games across PC, console, and mobile devices. We use cutting-edge technology to create innovative genre-leading games that redefine genres, receive critical acclaim, and capture the imagination of gamers around the world.

We are a hard-working bunch of AA/AAA gaming veterans who strive for excellence in every project we take on, a close-knit family who loves what we do. We have released over 10 premium games topping charts on all gaming platforms.

Since November 2020, 34BigThings is part of the Embracer Group.

More information
More information on 34BigThings, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Super Inefficient Golf Credits

Valerio Di Donato
Business & Co-Founder, 34BigThings

Giuseppe Enrico Franchi
Game Design & Co-Founder, 34BigThings

Giacomo Ferronato
Development & Co-Founder, 34BigThings

Marco Tansini
Development, 34BigThings

Ivano Zanchetta
Development, 34BigThings

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks